HONEY was made in collaboration with Sophie Chapman. It is a multi-media ecology of characters, materials, processes and emotional disasters but also a lot of hope. The video at the core of the ecology is about HONEY who wants nothing more than to be a billionaire but has to confront the realities of life in late stage hypercapitalism with her best friend, BF. Part video game architecture, coming of age road movie, reality tv and therapy session, HONEY is everything and more... It sat within dankEconogy1_ALIENVillage as the coming of age stage of the project.

HONEY in collaboration with Sophie Chapman,
Video, Blue Wigs, Silicon Valley Glasses, Lance Ugglas business card, Photo of Sahjan Kooner as a cowboy at 8 years old, assorted toiletries, sofa, ottoman, HONEY billboard campaign, playing all of HONEYs ads.