Ampule chamber is an environment that houses a biological change. It is a set of two collaborative works, one with my mother and the other with Punjabi community groups in Wolverhampton. I worked with Rob Sollis, the potter who supported Ridley Scott on Prometheus to recreate the infamous Ampules that housed primordial life as a bio weapon. It sat within dankEconogy1_ALIENVillage as the middle age, inheritence stage of the project.

Ampule Chamber consists of;
finalBeginningAFTERAFTERAFTER in collaboration with Manjit Kooner (mom)
Video, 14 minutes 05 seconds
Hand made ceramic with mom, Raku Fired Ceramics based on Ampules in Ridley Scotts 2012 sci-fi film Prometheus, made by Rob Sollis (the potter who worked with Ridley Scott), Gravel, Terracotta Clay, Patio Chairs, Raspberry Pi’s, 5” Tft Displays playing videos from archives and futures of India, Image of two patio chairs in front of a green screen blurred to 50%, power cords.
Village Billboard in collaboration with workshop participants from Punjabi Village Art Workshops
We ran workshops with communities in Wolverhamption who have experience with Punjabi Villages to explore the future of their respective villages. They opened out their archives and told stories about their villages, some appear as images, text and memories and some appear as recordings played through a vent.